Before It’s Too Late

Before It's Too Late

He had a quarrel with his wife over something. He came out of the house muttering. He thought that he will never talk to this quarrelsome woman. I don’t know what she thinks of herself. Whenever I see her, she quarrels and doesn’t let me live in peace. Reaching the nearby tea stall, he ordered tea and sat on the stool placed in front.

Before It's Too Late
Before It’s Too Late

Just then he heard a voice from behind, “Are you drinking tea outside the house in such cold weather?”

When he turned his neck and looked, there was an old man sitting on the stool behind him. You are also out in this cold and at this age, baba… The old man smiled and said: I am all alone, no family, no partner, you seem to be married son”.
My wife does not let me live in the house baba!! She keeps nagging me all the time… What should I do if I don’t wander outside. She has made my life hell.
Old man: My wife does not let me live?
A happy life is possible only because of my wife. It has been eight years since my wife left. When she was alive, I never appreciated her, today the wretched one is gone, I cannot forget her, the house is running to make ends meet. Children are busy in their work, I have a luxurious house, wealth, everything…, but there is no fun without her. I just keep wandering here and there! Nothing feels good, after she left I came to know, she was the heartbeat! Not only of my life, but of my house as well. Everything has become lifeless… but you are wise son, go!! Live your life happily. Otherwise you will keep regretting later, my Like this. Pain in the eyes of the old man and also a sea of ​​tears.

I paid the tea vendor. I looked at the old man for a moment, without wasting a minute I turned towards home…

I had seen her from a distance, my wife was standing at the door, worried, looking at me with teary eyes….where had you gone? You did not even wear a jacket, what if you feel cold?, you too are “standing at the door without a sweater!” In this way, both of them had read each other’s love through their eyes!

Before It's Too Late
Before It’s Too Late

Many times we also make similar mistakes in our lives. Not only wife, but we get angry with parents, uncles, siblings or dear friends in such a way that it hurts not only us but them too.

Life is short, forgive somewhere and ask for forgiveness somewhere and spend it laughing.

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4 Thoughts to “Before It’s Too Late”

  1. […] were still struggles ahead, but with love as her guide, she would continue to be the heart of their family—forever their mother, protector, and constant source of […]

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